3 Day Bahamas Cruise from
Fort Lauderdale

Port Everglades Cruise Terminal

If you are searching for a 3 day Bahamas cruise from Fort Lauderdale, there are some short cruise getaway options that work.

I understand that for many many working couples or busy parents with children, it is sometimes difficult to get away - even though you know you should.

The good news is that you can find a short cruise getaway that works wonders for your family.

3 Day Bahamas Cruise from Fort Lauderdale - 

Your Options

Best Cruise Lines for Kids Disney Dream

Disney Dream at Castaway Cay

Do you have a preference in cruise lines?  What is it?

If you like any of the big names in cruising, you'll be excited to know that three of top cruise lines sailing the Caribbean offer 3-day cruises from Ft. Lauderdale to the Bahamas.

At the time of writing this page, I confirmed that the following cruise lines have Bahamas itineraries from Ft. Lauderdale:

- Celebrity Cruises

- Disney Cruise Line, and

- Royal Caribbean International.

Which cruise is your favorite?

Celebrity Cruises has two ships (Celebrity Reflection and Celebrity Silhouette) with itineraries from Ft. Lauderdale to the Bahamas.

Disney Cruise Line has two of their beautiful ships going from Ft. Lauderale to the Bahamas: Disney Dream and Disney Magic.

Royal Caribbean offers several 3-day cruises from Ft. Lauderdale aboard four of their ships, including one Oasis class vessel - Oasis of the Seas - and three smaller ships.


1. The above ship designations are subject to change at any time by the respective cruise line.

2. The three cruise lines offering 3-night cruises from Ft. Lauderdale to the Bahamas are among the most expensive cruise options you will find.

3 Day Bahamas Cruise from
Fort Lauderdale -

Ship Itineraries

Oasis of the Seas

Oasis of the Seas

Now that you know which cruise lines sail to the Bahamas from Ft. Lauderdale, you may also want to know what the itineraries are like.

First, a 3-night cruise usually includes one or two ports of call and this is no different for cruise sailings from the busy Port Everglades (Ft. Lauderdale).

3-Day Cruise with Two Ports of Call

Your itinerary will often include a call in Nassau and the cruise line's respective private Bahamian island resort. Some may include a call at Key West or Bimini, along with the stop in Nassau.

Itinerary Examples

Celebrity Cruises' 3-night itineraries from Fort Lauderdale may include stops at Perfect Day at CocoCay and Nassau, CocoCay and Bimini, Nassau and Bimini, or Key West and CocoCay.

Disney Cruise Line's 3-night itineraries will call at either Lookout Cay and Nassau or Castaway Cay and Lookout Cay.

Royal Caribbean's 3-night itineraries from Ft. Lauderdale often include a stop at their newly overhauled and vastly improved island resort - Perfect Day at CocoCay plus a stop in Nassau.

However, you may find different itinerary combinations such as Nassau and Grand Bahamas Island or Key West and Bimini.

3-Day Cruise with One Port of Call

Please note that some 3-day cruises from Fort Lauderdale have one stop in the Bahamas.

Celebrity Cruises may take you only to Nassau or Perfect Day at CocoCay.

Royal Caribbean will call at only Perfect Day at CocoCay on some occasions.

Check to ensure that your sailing has the desired number of ports of call.

Note: All itineraries listed above are subject to change at any time by the cruise line.

3 Day Bahamas Cruise from
Fort Lauderdale -

Cruise Cost & Best Time to Travel

MSC Divina at Ocean Cay

You want to make a quick getaway, but you are also conscious of the cost of your cruise. 

In terms of cruise prices, your best option among the three cruise lines sailing from Port Everglades to the Bahamas will be Celebrity Cruises.

That being said, Celebrity's cruise prices are not usually super great, but they currently have two smaller and older vessels sailing from Port Everglades to the Bahamas and so offer a lower price point than Disney and Royal Caribbean. 

Note: To get better cruise rates to the Bahamas, you may want to consider sailing from Miami with Carnival Cruise Line or MSC Cruises.

What if you prefer Disney or Royal Caribbean over Carnival Cruise Line and MSC cruises?

What if you really must sail on Disney Dream or an Oasis class ship such as Oasis of the Seas?

You would then choose the best time of year to cruise. That would be fall...

Cruise sailings between September and November will cost you less than those in the summer and winter months.

Sample Cruise Prices for 3-Day Bahamas Cruises from Fort Lauderdale (as of June 17, 2024)

I believe that it may be helpful to share some current 3-night cruise prices from Ft. Lauderdale with you.

Please understand that these prices are posted at the time of writing this page and are subject to change.

Rates shown are for an interior cabin at double occupancy, without taxes and port charges.

Celebrity Cruises

1. Sailing on November 1, 2024 - $302 per person

2. Sailing on May 30, 2025 - $340 per person

Disney Cruise Line

1. Sailing on November 5, 2024 - $633 per person

2. Sailing on May 30, 2025 - $969 per person

Royal Caribbean International

1. Sailing on November 7, 2024 - $412 per person

2. Sailing on July 11, 2025 - $510 per person

3 Day Bahamas Cruise
from Fort Lauderdale -

Ready to Book?

If you are ready to book, I am ready to help.

If, however, you have a travel agent please contact that person immediately.

Otherwise, you may visit each of the cruise line's website for assistance.

If you do not have a travel agent and would like some guidance, then please allow me to help.

Please contact me at petestravel@yahoo.com or click on my booking engine to search for your cruise - PetesTravelCenter.com. Thank you!

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