Carnival Cruises
To Mexico
Ports of Call

Carnival Glory to the Western Caribbean

Of the many available Carnival cruises to Mexico, my family and I have been on three such cruises to date.

You will find that most of Carnival Cruise Lines' western Caribbean cruises include a Mexican port of call in their itineraries.

While many visitors to Mexico frequent places like Cancun - which has many beautiful resorts - others choose to visit Mexico on a cruise ship.

Carnival's cruise sailings to Mexico include two main ports of call, Cozumel and Costa Maya and to a lesser extent, Progreso.

My family has visited Costa Maya once and Cozumel a whopping three times.

Carnival Elation in Cozumel

Costa Maya and Cozumel are known for good beaches, Mayan ruins, snorkeling and much more fun activities. The latter (Cozumel), however, sees up to 2.5 million cruise passengers each year, in addition to many other tourists who visit the island by air.

Deep sea divers are attracted to Cozumel, because of its amazing marine life.

I noted earlier that my family has taken three Carnival cruises to Mexico. Each cruise was with a different Carnival "Fun Ship."

Our first 5-day cruise to Cozumel was with Carnival Sensation. The next cruise was a 7-day Carnival cruise with Carnival Glory, which included stops in Costa Maya and Cozumel. And, our final cruise to Mexico was a 5-day Carnival Paradise sailing with stops in Cozumel and Grand Cayman.

In addition to the ships listed above, Carnival has several other cruise ships that visit ports of call in Mexico each year.

Available Carnival Cruises to Mexico

U.S. Departure Port

Galveston, Texas

4 Fun Ships currently offer Carnival cruises from the Galveston Port to Mexico.

Ships & Ports of Call

1. Carnival Valor provides 4-and 5-day cruises from Galveston to Mexico.

2. Carnival Breeze, Carnival Freedom and Carnival Vista offers offer 7-day cruises from Galveston to the Western Caribbean including Mexico.

Search for Mexico cruises from Galveston Port. Be sure to select "Western Caribbean" as the destination.

Miami, Florida

6 Fun Ships offer Carnival cruises from the Miami Port to Mexico.

1. Carnival Sensation and Carnival Victory offer 4-day and 5-day cruises from Miami to the Western Caribbean including Cozumel.

2. Carnival Horizon and Carnival Vista offer 6-day cruises from Miami to Cozumel and other ports.

3. Carnival Glory and Carnival Magic offer several 7-day cruise sailings to the Western Caribbean including Mexico.

Search for Mexico cruises from the Miami Cruise Port. Be sure to select "Western Caribbean" as the destination.

New Orleans, Louisiana

2 Fun Ships offer Carnival Cruises to Mexico from the New Orleans Port.

1. Carnival Triumph currently offers 4-day and 5-day cruises from New Orleans to Mexico.

2. Carnival Dream offers several 7-day cruises from New Orleans to the Western Caribbean, including ports of call in Mexico.

Search for Mexico cruises from the New Orleans Port. Be sure to select "Western Caribbean" as the destination.

Port Canaveral, Florida

2 Fun Ships offer Carnival cruises to Mexico from Port Canaveral.

1. Carnival Liberty offers 7-day cruises from Port Canaveral to Western Caribbean ports of call including Cozumel and Costa Maya.

2. Carnival Breeze offers limited Western Caribbean cruises from Port Canaveral ports including Mexico.

Search for Mexico cruises from Port Canaveral. Be sure to select "Western Caribbean" as the destination.

Don't Miss Out!

Tampa, Florida

2 Fun Ships offer Carnival cruises from the Tampa Cruise Port.

1. Carnival Paradise offers 4-day cruises from Tampa to Cozumel only.

2. Carnival Paradise also offers 5-day cruises from Tampa to Cozumel and Grand Cayman.

My family took this cruise in July 2012 and had a blast.

See Carnival Paradise reviews.

3. Carnival Miracle offers 7-day cruises from Tampa to the Western Caribbean, including ports in Mexico.

Note: All itineraries listed above are subject to change, as Carnival re-positions its ships at will.

Based on the information above, you can tell that ports of call in Mexico are quite popular to Caribbean cruise passengers.

Consequently, Carnival cruise itineraries to Mexico are provided by several of their best ships.

My family enjoyed each visit to Cozumel and our one stop in Costa Maya and Progreso.

Whichever cruise port you sail from, or whichever Fun Ship you choose, you will find several Carnival cruises to Mexico, and your family is guaranteed a great cruise ship vacation.

Enjoying a beach in Costa Maya!

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