Carnival Destiny Pictures, July 2011 Do You See Someone You Know?

Carnival Destiny is now the new Carnival Sunshine. Much has changed.
I am happy to present a collection of Carnival Destiny pictures taken on July 2 - 7, 2011 Western Caribbean Cruise to Ocho Rios, Jamaica and Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands.
Were you on that cruise? Do you know someone who was on that cruise?
See if you can find someone that you know and tell them about it.
Carnival Destiny Pictures - Port of Miami
Carnival Destiny in Miami Port
Carnival Destiny Leaves Miami
Carnival Destiny Photos - Arriving Onboard
Pictures taken as we arrived on the Lido Deck, heading for lunch in the Sun and Sea Restaurant.
Carnival Destiny Lido Deck
Passenger Checks Time on Lido Deck
Carnival Destiny Pictures - Activities Onboard
Photos of some things people got involved with onboard Carnival Destiny.
Mini-Golf on Carnival Destiny
Women Dancing on Carnival Destiny
Shuffle Board on Carnival Destiny
Drink-Making Contest on Carnival Destiny
Sun and Sea Restaurant
Galaxy Dining Room
Pizzeria on Carnival Destiny Dining
Enjoying Pizza
Carnival Destiny Photos - The Pools & Hot-Tubs
It is always great fun to hang out by the pool or soak oneself in a hot-tub. Many people chose to do both. Others just took sunbaths.
Carnival Destiny Pool Area
One Hot-Tub Area
Sun-bathing on Carnival Destiny
Carnival Destiny Pool by Pizzeria
Carnival Destiny Pictures - Kids' Activities
A cruise is incomplete without great provisions for our children. Carnival Destiny offers Camp Carnival (Children's Club) plus other fun activities such as basketball, a huge slide, a video game arcade and much more.
Carnival Destiny Kids' Club
Carnival Destiny Basketball Court
Basketball Court
Carnival Destiny Giant Slide
Carnival Destiny Photos - Shopping Onboard
In addition to shopping at each port of call, Destiny has its own collection of shops: jewelry, gifts, daily-use items, etc.
Carnival Destiny Shops
Carnival Destiny Shops
Carnival Destiny Pictures - Ports of Call
Destiny's two stops on its July 2nd - 7th sailing were Ocho Rios and Grand Cayman. We had a blast and I believe everyone else did too.
Carnival Destiny in Ocho Rios
Dunn's River Falls
Dunn's River Falls
Arriving in Grand Cayman
Grand Cayman Seven Mile Beach
Grand Cayman Seven Mile Beach
Carnival Destiny Photos - Crew Members
The crew members were quite outstanding and even entertaining. The restaurant crew sang and danced most nights. The female staff members were beautiful and gracious.
Hannah Outside Criterion Lounge
Crew Singing Goodbye
Hardworking Waiter
Carnival Destiny Hostesses - Galaxy
Carnival Destiny Photos - Random Pictures
Here is handful of random pictures. More will follow.
Carnival Destiny
Carnival Destiny
Carnival Destiny
Carnival Destiny
Did you enjoy my collection of Carnival Destiny pictures? Did you see yourself or someone you know? Please let me know what you think.
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