The Carnival
Early Saver Rate

The Carnival Early Saver Rate (ESR) is your best cruise price on any Carnival cruise to the Caribbean.

When compared with any other cruise line sailing to the Caribbean, your best package will more often than not be with a Carnival cruise.

Carnival Cruise Line offers different rates, which we will not discuss here, and several discounts on their inclusive cruise packages.  

They also offer an opportunity for you to deposit a certain amount and then submit installment payments, with the final payment coming due sixty (60) or seventy-five (75) days before the sail date - depending on the length of your cruise.

What Is the Carnival Early Saver Rate?

With that being said, if you plan to sail aboard one of Carnival’s Fun Ships, I urge you to get the Early Saver Rate.

As the term suggests, this rate is one found before rates begin to swing up and down - early.

Generally, the E.S.R. is the cruise price that you will pay if you book a 5-day or shorter cruise three (3) months or earlier before sailing, or a longer cruise five (5) months or earlier before sailing.

How Does One Get the
Carnival Early Saver Rate?

Interestingly, you may not find this rate on a website. Similarly to certain discounts that are offered by Carnival, the E.S.R. is hardly published.

How then do you get it?

If you are using a Travel Agent, which you should, the agent will have access to all the rates, discounted and otherwise, that Carnival offers.  

If you are booking within the window of time for this rate and the agent does not mention it, be sure to ask about it.

Alternately, if you are booking your cruise with a Carnival specialist, they will give you the best rate available, but it does not hurt to make certain of it.

If, on the other hand, you are buying your cruise package from another online travel agency, tell them that you know about the Early Saver Rate and that is the one you want.

Price Guarantee Of the
Carnival Early Saver Rate

The fact that the E.S.R. is offered so early, there is a possibility that if a particular cruise sailing is not sold out quickly enough, Carnival will lower the price on last minute bookings.

As someone who books early, you will not lose if this happens.

The E.S.R. guarantee is such that if the price drops to less than what you paid for the same cruise, same cabin category, same sail date, etc., you will be given the difference as onboard credit.

However, you must request this credit.

Consequently, you should check with your Travel Agent or whomever you book with several times before sailing – up to 2 days before – to see if the cruise price has fallen.

One Disadvantage of the
Early Saver Rate

One thing to note about this rate is that any deposit made during the E.S.R. period is non-refundable.

While deposits made at other times are refundable, this is not true with the E.S.R.

However, should anything happen, you will not lose all the money. A fraction will go towards any future cruise you book with Carnival.

That is it! The Carnival Early Saver Rate is the best cruise rate to get.

However, you must ask your Travel Agent for this rate and please bear in mind that it has a price change guarantee, but also the E.S.R. comes with a non-refundable deposit.

Happy sailing!

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