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Carnival Eastern
Caribbean Ports

Carnival Liberty In Grand Turk

Are you thinking "Carnival Eastern Caribbean ports of call?" 

On this page you will get a feel for several top ports of call that Carnival Cruise Line visits in the Eastern Caribbean. 

Carnival Cruise Line offers a large number of cruise sailings from multiple U.S. homeports on various size ships to Eastern Caribbean ports. 

There is an itinerary for everyone to love.

Brief Overview Of
Carnival Eastern Caribbean Ports

Your family will be delighted to find a cheap inclusive family vacation aboard one of Carnival’s “Fun Ships” from New York's Manhattan Cruise Terminal in the northeast to Miami Port in the south and Galveston Cruise Terminal in the southwest. 

Additionally, your family will enjoy top Carnival Eastern Caribbean ports of call on each trip.

Think Puerto Rico, Turks & Caicos Islands, St. Kitts, St. Maarten, Antigua, St. Thomas and other hot Caribbean destinations.

There is a Carnival ship headed your way. 

You will also be delighted to know that Carnival’s itineraries to the Eastern Caribbean include stops in the Bahamas – Half Moon Cay (Holland America/Carnival private island resort) and Nassau.


Handy Table Of Carnival
Ports of Call In The
Eastern Caribbean



Ports of Call

Baltimore, MD

Carnival Pride

The Pride currently offers sailings to Freeport, Half Moon Cay and Grand Turk.

Charleston, SC

Carnival Ecstasy

Carnival Sunshine

The Ecstasy sails to Grand Turk, Amber Cove, San Juan, St. Thomas and the Bahamas from Charleston.

The Sunshine has limited sailings to St. Thomas, St. Maarten and San Juan from Charleston.

Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Carnival Conquest

Carnival Magic

Conquest has sailings to Grand Turk and the Bahamas, plus other itineraries including ports such as Puerto Rico, St. Maarten, St. Kitts and Amber Cove, DR.

Carnival Magic offers sailings to the Bahamas, Grand Turk and Amber Cove plus to other popular ports such as St. Maarten, St. Kitts and San Juan.

Galveston, TX

Carnival Freedom 

Carnival Breeze

Breeze and Freedom offer sailings to Freeport, Nassau and Key West.

Jacksonville, FL

Carnival Ecstasy

Carnival Elation 

Both ships offer sailings to the Bahamas.

Miami, FL

Carnival Conquest

Carnival Glory

Carnival Horizon

Carnival Magic

Carnival Sensation

Carnival Vista

Carnival Conquest offers sailings to ports such as Amber Cove, St. Thomas and San Juan.

Carnival Glory offers sailings to ports such as Amber Cove, Grand Turk, St. Thomas and San Juan.

Carnival Horizon offers itineraries to Grand Turk, St. Kitts, St. Maarten and San Juan.

Carnival Magic offers cruises to Grand Turk, San Juan, St. Thomas and Amber Cove.

Carnival Sensation has itineraries to the Bahamas.

Carnival Vista sails to Grand Turk, San Juan, St. Kitts and St. Maarten.

New York, NY

Carnival Horizon

Carnival Triumph

Carnival Horizon has limited has limited sailings to Amber Cove, San Juan and Grand Turk

Carnival Triumph has limited sailings to popular ports of call such as Amber Cove, Grand Turk and San Juan.

New Orleans, LA

Carnival Dream

Carnival Glory

Both Carnival Dream and Carnival Glory offer itineraries to Key West and the Bahamas.

Port Canaveral, FL

Carnival Breeze

Carnival Elation

Carnival Magic

Carnival Sunshine

Carnival Breeze sails to Amber Cove, Grand Turk, San Juan and St. Thomas.

Carnival Elation sails to Amber Cove and Grand Turk.

Carnival Magic sails to Amber Cove, Grand Turk, San Juan and St. Thomas.

Carnival Sunshine offers itineraries that include top ports such as Amber Cove, Grand Turk, San Juan, St. Kitts and St. Maarten.

Note:  All the itineraries listed above are subject to change. Carnival reserves the right to re-position its ships at will.

When you are ready to book a Carnival Eastern Caribbean cruise vacation, check with your Travel Agent to determine which sailing is available on which ship.

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As you can tell from the information above, Carnival Cruise Line offers a full array of inclusive cruise package deals to the Eastern Caribbean.

There are several ports from which to choose, different size Carnival ships and many U.S. departure ports.

We believe that your family will find a suitable and enjoyable inclusive cruise vacation package to one of several top Carnival Eastern Caribbean ports of call. 

Happy sailing!

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