First Carnival Cruise Since Covid19

My first Carnival cruise since Covid19 was aboard the beautiful Carnival Magic in September 2021.

My daughter and I set sail for a 5-night cruise from Port Canaveral to three ports of call in The Bahamas: Half Moon Cay, Nassau and Bimini.

As a travel advisor, I wanted to see what was being done onboard the ship to protect guests during the pandemic. I am thrilled that I got a chance to cruise and now I can encourage my clients to do the same.

In the end I felt so comfortable that I was ready to cruise again.

Continue to read to learn of some Covid-19 protocols that I observed on this Carnival fun ship.

My daughter & I with Carnival Magic in Nassau

First Carnival Cruise Since Covid19 - Embarkation Process

As noted above, I set out to observe what Carnival Cruise Line is doing to protect its guests onboard their ships. Consequently, during my cruise I made some videos in which I spoke of different things in place to fight against the spread of Covid-19.

I believe it is important to know that all crew members on this cruise were vaccinated and so were more than 95-percent of the guests.

Additionally, the ship was not at full capacity for guests and crew.

As you read my observations below, keep the preceding information in mind. That will help you to frame the cruise line's actions in the most reasonable light.

In the first video below, I talk about the embarkation process. Listen to what was required of vaccinated and unvaccinated guests and how each group was guided at the port.

Go ahead and watch the video.

First Carnival Cruise Since Covid19 - Protocols Around Carnival Magic

What were some protocols noticed around the ship?

Think about hundreds of cruise travelers going about the ship, touching things, bumping into each other, standing in close proximity to each other and sitting near one another in dining rooms.

There were two main steps taken to keep guests "clean" and prevent us from spreading stuff.

In the next video I talk about sanitizer stations and masking up onboard.

Click now to watch.

First Carnival Cruise Since Covid19 - Restaurant Protocols

Let us talk a little about dining room/restaurant protocols aboard Carnival Magic.

If you have cruised before, then you know how crowded places such as the buffet restaurant can get. 

Additionally, while the main dining rooms are spacious there are usually many tables set up inside. Depending on when you visit, there may be a large gathering.

So what was done to help fight against the spread of Covid-19 in the restaurants aboard the ship?

Check out the next video for what I observed...

First Carnival Cruise Since Covid19 - Event Venues

You may also know that there are many cruise guests generally found in event venues.

Think of the main theater in which nightly Las Vegas-style productions go on display.

Think also of that one main lounge in which certain fun activities occur. For example comedy shows and karaoke nights are generally held in a pretty large lounge.

Was anything in place to help fight against the spread of Covid-19? Yes, but I'm not sure that it was enough.

Watch the next video to get my thoughts on Covid-19 protocols in place for event venues on this Carnival cruise.

First Carnival Cruise Since Covid-19 - Reduction in Paper Exchange

Carnival Magic Balcony Cabin 8281

Where did all the paper go? 

I know it's been a while since some of you cruised, but I am certain that you can recall the amount of paper that we would get each day in our cabins.

First, there was the daily bulletin. Then there was a spa promotion. Following that was an art auction invitation. And so much more...

Well, on this particular cruise during Covid-19, something strange happened.

Where did all the paper go?

Watch the next video to hear about the reduction in paper exchange onboard Carnival Magic.

First Carnival Cruise Since Covid19 - Other Safety Protocols

There are several other safety protocols that I can talk about. However, I hope that at this point in the story you're getting a sense that all is well and you can cruise again.

In this final video that I'll share, I talk about three things: safety drill, cleaning of cabins and QR codes.

You do remember that gathering of all cruise guests right before departure. What a massive gathering of people that was! How are they handling that now?

How about the cleaning of your cabin? Does the cabin steward still ensures that you have a clean room each day?

How about QR codes? Have those found their way onto cruise ships?

Watch this video to get my observation of these three items. 

First Carnival Cruise Since Covid19 - Conclusion of Cruising Readiness

My dear readers, as you all know the cruise industry was hit really hard from the Covid-19 lockdowns. 

For more than a year cruise ships were docked in ports and out at sea, not being able to carry paying customers.

As you can imagine, the cruise lines are ready to cruise again and keep the industry from ever returning to those dark days - months of no cruising.

Consequently, Carnival Cruise Line and all the others are doing their utmost best to keep guests safe on the ships that are now sailing.

Cruising capacities are still intentionally below normal.

Sanitizer stations are prevalent throughout each ship.

Masking is enforced for indoor spaces.

Most guests and in some cases, all guests, are vaccinated before they can board a cruise ship.

All guests must show a negative Covid-19 test before boarding and unvaccinated guests (very small percentage allowed to cruise) are subject to another test 24 hours of departing the port.

Friends, the cruise lines want you know that they care about your safety and are serious about protecting you on their ships.

So, on this my recently concluded first Carnival cruise since Covid19 I felt safe and comfortable. I ended my cruise and was ready to go again.

I hope that you will book your first cruise since Covid-19. Hit the high seas again.

Bon voyage!

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