Fun Things To Do On Carnival Paradise Cruise

by T.J.

Captain's Celebration Dinner on Carnival Paradise

Captain's Celebration Dinner on Carnival Paradise

I had a great time on the Carnival Paradise, mostly because they had a lot of fun stuff to do.

For instance, in the sports section they had a gym, shuffle boarding, two ping-pong tables, and a nice jogging track on Deck 14. Also, there is a fancy little park with a miniature golf course. I played miniature golf about two times with my family. We also went jogging two nights of the five.

In Carnival Paradise's entertainment offerings, there are a lot of things to keep you busy. There is the Normandie Theater where the Cruise Director and others tell you things you can do on the cruise and on the islands.

They also offer a very well put together stage show called Shout, along with comedy shows.

There is also bingo and other stuff. Like other cruise ships, Carnival Paradise offers a casino, and for the kids, a video arcade. There is also a library where you can sit and talk, play board games, cards, and read books. If you need to use the Internet, you can pay for Wi-Fi or use the Internet Cafe.

The last piece of entertainment I want to talk about is the Carnival Paradise comedy package. There is a big area in the Queen Mary Lounge where you can listen to comedians tell their hilarious jokes.

Another fun thing to do on Carnival Paradise is to visit the photo gallery where you can check out the photos you and your family took on your coming on the ship, the islands, etc.

Now on to the restaurants. On the Carnival Paradise, there are three restaurants. The Paris Restaurant, the Elation Restaurant, and the Destiny Restaurant. The Elation and the Destiny Restaurants are very fancy sit-down restaurants with very delicious food and entertainment, but you're only assigned to one of them.

The Paris Restaurant is a buffet restaurant and free to everybody. In the mornings it offers a breakfast buffet and there are three stations that serve egg omelets. At lunch, they have different themes for the buffet every day.

Also, there is a deli, a 24-hr pizza stand, a grill buffet, and a place where you can get hibachi food. In the evening it's about the same thing, except the theme is "Good Eats" for the whole cruise.

I almost forgot to tell you about the pools.

Carnival Paradise has 2 pools both on Deck 10, one in the middle of the deck and one at the back of the deck. In addition to the two pools, there are two hot tubs. There is also a relatively small and twisted slide that runs into the main pool in the middle of the Lido Deck.

Those are all the fun things to do on Carnival Paradise that I can provide. I hope you have as much fun on the ship as I did.

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