Norwegian Escape Accident - If I Could Give 0 Star I Would

by Amanda

If I could give 0 stars, I would... NCL has totally screwed up my vacation!

I understand the Norwegian Escape accident and I'm grateful that we were able to be transferred to Norwegian Encore instead. However, I am now out $1000 due to no mistake of my own. Ports changed to Miami. Cool, I get that. But, we now have nowhere to stay when flying into Miami. I had to cancel our Orlando rooms and rental cars with no refund due to the port change and date change. That's $678.93 I'm losing.

When I called Norwegian Cruise Line for help, I was told they cannot help me find a room at a lower rate or reimburse me for the money lost in Orlando. As my trip insurance only covers what NCL booked for us..., per Deborah, "The buck stops with her and there is nothing she can do!"

I GUESS WE'LL BE SLEEPING ON THE BEACH, NORWEGIAN... Your cruise line is garbage.

It is not my fault or my problem that your ship's captain lost control, damaging Norwegian Escape... not my fault, but now my financial problem.
Yes, compensation of a free future cruise is great but doesn't help me now 3 days prior to the sailing.


I never asked what's in it for me or what are you gonna do to make this right? Yet, here I am being a Karen (which I hate being) because NO ONE can help me. After hours of being on the phone, I'm still nowhere. I'll be filing a complaint every chance I get.

I get it - crap happens. But you can't just leave people in a lurch like this... unprofessional and unacceptable!

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Apr 05, 2022
Wish Your Experience Was Better - Consider a Second Chance
by: Peter

Hello Amanda,

I read your account of what happened and it's really painful. I wish that you and so many others did not have to experience this unfortunate situation. I also wish that NCL could have offered more assistance. However, they also stand to lose a lot from this mess.

Sadly, they didn't cause the accident with Norwegian Escape. As you said, "Crap happens."

Now, the cruise line has suffered a great loss with the damage to the ship, the money reimbursed and the free cruises given to passengers. Consider this in light of the fact that the cruise industry was locked down for more than a year and lost billions of dollars.

I am not saying all this to belittle your experience - which was legitimate and painful. And while this will not bring you back the money lost and inconveniences experienced, I hope it provides some perspective.

Here's a tip: Whenever you book your next vacation, please get insurance coverage for all aspects of your trip. Work with a travel agent who can offer complete protection with a third party (someone other than the cruise line).

Finally, this was truly an unfortunate experience with NCL. Please give them a second chance to prove that they're really great at offering cruises. Do not throw away your free NCL cruise credit.

Once again, I am sorry for your terrible experience and wish you much better cruising days ahead. Happy sailing!

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